Terma / Terms

Pengenalan / Introduction

Pelanggan wajib:-

  1. Berumur 18 tahun ke atas.
  2. Mempunyai dokumen untuk memandu kereta di Malaysia
  3. Tidak mnyerahkan kereta kepada orang lain untuk memandu atau sebagainya. Pelanggan yang di daftarkan di agreement 100% bertanggungjawab ke atas kereta jika sebarang masalah berlaku.
  4. Ada tanggungjawab ke atas kereta yang di sewa.
  5. Memaklumkan segala masalah kepada Pihak Syarikat@Wakil Syarikat.
  6. Minima sewaan adalah sehari.
  7. Wajib menjelaskan setiap saman atau kerosakan yang telah di buat kepada kereta.
  8. Mengambil tahu dan mengambil berat tentang keadaan kereta. Kereta tersebut adalah tanggungjawab anda. Jaga macam kereta sendiri.
  9. Tidak bole di bawa ke LUAR NEGARA.

Subscribers are required: –

  1. Aged 18 years old and above.
  2. Have a legal document to drive a car in Malaysia.
  3. Do not turn the car to someone else without a legal driving permit to drive. The listed subscribers in the agreement will be 100% responsible for the car if any problems occur.
  4. Be responsible on the car you hire.
  5. Inform all the problems regarding the car to the Company @ Company Representative.
  6. Minimum rental is a day.
  7. Must specify@pay any summons or damages that have been made to the car.
  8. Taking care and handle the car with good manners. The car is your responsibility. Keep it like it is your own car.
  9. cannot be brought to OVERSEAS

Pembayaran / Payment

  1. Bayaran Penuh termasuk Cagaran semasa terima kunci kereta dari pihak@wakil syarikat.
  2. Cagaran yang di terima pihak syarikat hanya dalam berbentuk wang tunai.
  3. Setiap kali ingin menambah masa sewaan.Pembayaran wajib di buat stiap hari sebelum 12 a.m pada tarikh tersebut.
  4. Gagal menjelaskan pembayaran dalam masa 24jam.Proses penarikan semula kereta akan di buat. Segala kos yang di keluarkan oleh penarik kereta seperti minyak@tol@tambang@masa akan di cas kepada penyewa@penjamin.
  5. Setiap tempahan kereta melalui operator kami@whatapps@sms@call akan di kenakan pembayaran wang pendahuluan tempahan minima sebanyak RM50.
  6. Contoh:-
    Ali perlu membayar RM300 untuk sewaan kereta minggu hadapan.Ali menempah kereta melalui whatapps.Ali harus membayar minima RM50 dari amaun yang perlu di bayar. Jika Ali membayar RM100 wang pendahuluan. Jadi di tarikh untuk mengambil kereta. Ali hanta perlu membayar RM200 sahaja.
  7. Tempahan percuma hanya bole di buat di laman web ketasewadelivery.com.
  8. Cagaran akan dipulangkan serta merta ataupun dalam waktu 5 hari bekerja jika tiada sebarang masalah.
  1. Full Payment including collateral (cagaran) upon receiving the car keys from the company representatives.No installment plan.
  2. The collateral only will be in cash.
  3. Every time you want to extend your rental time, it is mandatory to make the payment every day before 12 a.m on that date.
  4. Failure to made the payment within 24 hours. The car retrieval process will be made by the company. All costs incurred by car towers such as @ toll @ fare @ time@etc will be charged to the tenant @ the guarantor.
  5. Every car reservation through our operator @ whatapps @ sms @ call will be booking deposit minimum RM50 from the amount that you has to pay.
  6. For example:-
    Ali need to pay RM300 for his car rental on next week. He booked the car through whatsapp and paid minima RM50 of the full payment. If he pay RM100 as the deposit so on the day that he receive the car, he only need to pay RM200 as the balance.
  7. Free booking can be made at ketasewadelivery.com’s website.
  8. Collateral will be refunded on the spot or within 5 working days if there is no problem.

Cas Tambahan / Additional Charges

Penghantaran@pick up servis di luar kawasan akan di ambil RM1/km. Sila rujuk pihak anda berurusan berapa cas di kenakan.

Caj Servis di luar waktu beroperasi:-

  • 6am-9am. = RM20
  • 9pm-12am = Rm30
  • 12am-6am = RM50

Cas ini tidak termasuk cas lewat@cas per/jam.

Cas lewat berbeza mengikut jenis kereta.Sila rujuk dengan operator mengenai berapa cas lewat bagi kereta yang ada sewa.

Untuk sewaan 1 hari & kebawah

  • Maximum mileage hanyalah 500KM
  • Caj tambahan 1 hari atau 1/2 hari akan dikenakan mengikut lebihan     mileage tersebut.

Delivery @ pick up service outside of area will be taken RM1 / km. Please refer to the company representative on how much is the charge will be taken.

Service Charge imposed outside of operating hours: –

  • 6 am-9am. = RM20
  • 9 pm-12am = RM30
  • 12 am-6am = RM50

This charge does not include hourly late charge.It will not be the same for each car. Please refer to your service provider upon the charge.

For 1 day rental & below

  • Maximum mileage only have to be 500 km
  • Additional charge 1 day or ½ day will be imposed according to the excess mileage.

Minyak / Fuel

  1. penyewa perlulah memulangkan semula minyak dalam keadaan yang sama dengan kadar yang diterima dari pihak pnyedia perkhidmatan
  2. gagal untuk melaksanakan hal di atas akan dikenakan cas RM10/bar atau mengikut amaun yang telah di tentukan pihak penyedia perkhidmatan. sila rujuk pengawai bertugas tentang kadar cas tersebut.
  3. DILARANG sama sekali untuk membawa sebarang minuman keras atau dadah di dalam kerenderaan milik syarikat.. Penalti minima RM100 bagi stiap item yang di jumpai atau kereta berbau minuman keras atau perkara di atas.
  4. Anda juga x di benarkan untuk merokok di dalam kereta milik penyedia perkhidmatan. Penalti minima RM50 jika kereta penyedia perkhidmatan berbau rokok
  5. Penalti RM50 jika makanan atau minuman tertumpah di dalam kereta dan berbau tidak menyenangkan seperti ikan.. durian.. muntah dan sebagainya.. kebersihan kereta adalah tanggungjawab anda.
  6. Sila tanya jika tidak faham. Jangan buat diam. Kami tiada kuasa untuk baca fikiran anda. Ini bukan cerita superhero. Plezz ya..mohon paham.
  1. Tenants must return the fuel in the same amount as received from the service providers.
  2.  Failed to do so will be charge RM10/bar or any amount that has been determined by the service provider. Please refer the person in charge about the charge rate.
  3. DO NOT bring any liquor or drug inside of the car. If not, minimum penalty RM100 will be imposed for each item found or car smelled unpleasantly or vice versa.
  4. Tenants also prohibited from smoking in the car. Minimum penalty RM50 will be imposed if the car found smelly.
  5. Penalty RM50 will be imposed if foods and drinks spilled off in the car and smell unpleasantly like fish, durian, vomit and etc. Cleanliness of car is your responsibility.
  6. Feel free to ask us on any inquiry.

Saman / Summons

  1. Pihak penyewa bertanggungjawab untuk menjelaskan semua saman anda
    -majlis pembandaran
    -dan sewaktu dengannya
  2. Sila jelaskan saman anda.Ia adalah tanggungjawab anda.
  1. Please pay your summon.It is your responsibility.
  2. The tenant is responsible for every summon upon their rental such as:-
  • police
  • Malaysian Department Of Transportation
  • City Council.
  • Etc.

Kerosakan Kereta / Damage & Accident

  1. Syarikat bertanggungjawab atas kerosakan mekanikal kereta.Keselamatan anda memang selalu kami titik beratkan. Akan tetapi jika kerosakan atas kecuaian anda.Pihak syarikat TIDAK akan menanggung kosnya.
  2. Antara kerosakan yang x di tanggung penyedia perkhidmatan.
  • tayar pancit terkena paku@benda tajam@kemalangan.
  • calar@kemek@rosak akibat kemalangan
  • kos bawah RM1000 di galakan penyewa tanggung.Kos atas RM1000 proses claim insurans akan di buat.
  1. kos yang perlu di tanggung pelanggan jika claim insuran.
  • excess insuran RM400(berbeza ikot bengkel dan kami tak ambik sekupang pun semua insuran yang sebat)
  • installment kereta dengan bank pelanggan kena tanggung jika kereta sangkut di bengkel sebulan dan ke atas.
  1. proses pemulangan wang cagaran kepada pelanggan akan dibuat dalam masa 14 hingga 30 hari bekerja.
  2. Jangan panik jika berlaku kemalangan. Hubungi pihak penyedia perkhidmatan sebelum membuat repot polis atau keputusan.
  3. Kemalangan di sebabkan oleh sikap tidak bertanggungjawab .. contoh memandu di bawah pengaruh alkohol atau dadah.. pihak syarikat tidak bertanggungjawab atau menanggung kos kerosakan.. penyewa 100% harus menanggung kesemua kos tersebut
  4. tolong tanya kalau tak paham.
  1. The company is responsible for the mechanical damage of your car. Your safety is always our point of concern. But if it damages your negligence. The company will NOT cover the cost.
  2. Among the damages that are NOT covered by the service provider.
  3. tires hit with nails @ sharp objects @ accidents.
  4. scratch @ dent @ damaged by accident
  5. Cost under RM1000 will repaired by the tenant. The cost of the RM1000 and above insurance claims process will be made.
  6. costs that the customer needs to pay for insurance claim.
  7. excess fees of RM400 insurance (we are not taking this money out of you.Its was the insurance company that will be taking the money)
  8. the cost of car instalment must be cover by the tenants if the car still in workshop about 1 month and above.
  9. The refund process to the customer will be made within 14 to 30 working days.
  10. Do not panic in case of accident. Contact your service provider before making a police report or any decision.
  11. Accident could occurred due to careless attitude like driving under influence of drug and alcohol. The service provider do not responsible or cover any cost of damage. The tenants 100% have to responsible for any cost incurred.
  12. Kindly ask us if there is any inquiry.